Sunday, May 29, 2016

Corpus Domini has worn us out!

I was very disappointed to realize that Florence's swim team meal was a lunch, until brilliant Eleanor pointed out that we could probably go to Spello AND get to the lunch.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. 

Today is Corpus Domini, a major feast day hereabouts; different towns celebrate in different ways. A few years ago, Jeremy and I went with a friend of ours to a big procession in Orvieto. However, the most famous show around for Corpus Domini is the Fiorata di Spello. This is a form of sidewalk art in which flower petals by the billion are used to create the most magnificent images. After Mass, the images are scattered during a procession that proceeds down the flowered way; in Spello, it's a bit different, because only a few of the images (and the less elaborate) are spoilt for the procession. The rest are judged in various categories.

Although I didn't really capture the flavor of the event (the town was heaving with people), I did capture some of the images. The shading and texture were outstanding!

I'm a bit confused, though, because these flower petals were fresh, and I've been told that the flower petals are taken from Castelluccio for drying and then using in this art. Hmm, sounds like I need to research that further. With luck, we'll get to Castelluccio before Eleanor leaves, so she can also see the amazing flowers in situ.

The swords/crosses were raised

There were rickety stepladders for better viewing
and photography, but I wasn't that brave.

Michael enjoying!

I think these may have been passed over during the procession

This was also on the procession route

Brief shower!

This was a complete showstopper;
 I have included some of the details below

The butterfly was about a meter across

These were balsam twigs that were carefully oriented

Eyelashes...10 inches long?

Entrance to the church

I loved the top edge...softer and incorporating the pavement

Another viewing platform

View from Spello

Oh! They also had contests for pretty alleys, windows, and doorways

Spello from a distance

After this extravaganza, we went to San Terenziano for Florence's swim team lunch. It was a lovely affair, although we were worn out!

We got home just in time for afternoon Mass and our procession, only to be greeted by this beautiful work in our own piazza!

And another procession, complete with band, confraternities, and more.
I have to confess that we were too tired to participate in the procession all the way to Consolazione, so we bailed and enjoyed coffee in the piazza...



Saturday, May 28, 2016

Tight Spaces

We did it! After nearly four years of trying, asking around, and begging, we have found a garage to rent!!! It's up by San Fortunato, so it's reasonably convenient. It's important to have for a few reasons: having just purchased a new car, it will protect the paint from the summer sun (as well as that of the Fiat 500), and it gives us a safe space to put the cars when we are traveling. This is not important from the standpoint of break-ins, but because the parking areas have frequent last-minute closures that can result in towing or the threat thereof.

Our friend Fabrizio found the garage. It is in the basement of the convent, and owned by the nuns. We can practically justify the cost as a charitable donation, right?

Ours is the slightly arched door in the middle
When he first showed us around, it was amazing how much space it had...deep, plenty of room for two cars (side by side, according to Fabrizio; Michael said that that would be impossible, but we all agreed that it was plenty spacious), the motorino, boxes of long-term storage, and more. Much excitement, verbal commitment, key given to us, and so on.

Well. The first time backing the Panda into the garage nearly resulted in a panic attack. You see, the doors are these lovely old carriage-house doors: wood, heavy, open inwards (meaning you have to leave a clear space), and framed by brick. Remember the brick, because it comes into the picture. Vividly.
Lovely! Charming!

Iron handle
Snug as a bug in a rug
As I backed in, it became abundantly clear that this opening was NOT roomy. In fact, it's downright tight. If you want to be perfectly honest about it, you end up with a clearance on the mirrors (which you MUST leave extended in order to back in properly) of about an inch on each side. Hair raising? You bet.

Leaving, centered in the doorway

And as far as parking the two cars side by side, that would be a negative. They DO, on the other hand, fit very nicely in a column, so the garage is going to meet the purpose of having a safe place, cool shade for the summer, and so on.

That said, this garage entrance will take some getting used to...



p.s. My first rental payment was a delightful experience that might be unusual to Americans, but was not really all that unusual for here. This is how it went:

I wandered over to the door where the sisters live and rang the bell at the convent. A little grating opened, and this apple-cheeked cherub peered out through the slot. I explained my mission.
She told me to go "sopra" (above), so I went around to where the schoolkids get the host offcuts for snacks (these are the nuns who make the hosts used for Communion hereabouts).
I then had to ring at that door. She buzzed me into an entry way that provides access to the chapel and where the turntable is (the turntable is to provide their contact with the outside world and for anonymous baby dropoffs).  There was a key on the turntable; a faceless voice muttered something in Spanitalian about the key.
I started to put the cash on the turntable, but then realized I was to take the key to open the door that was further along the passage.Feeling a bit Alice-in-Wonderlandish, I opened the door, went into a cell with a grating (think iron lattice work)My apple-cheeked mother superior was on the other side of the lattice. She chattered quite happily for a good while, and I nodded and smiled and interjected when I felt it necessary.I ascertained that I was to come there every month. I will give her the new key once I have enough copies.And everyone was happy. It was only as I was walking out that I thought how unusual an experience this would be for an American.And snickered.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Going east...Far East

We had a treat last night: aperitivi at Pianegiani, complete with Thai deliciousness! Kung and co got together and developed an amazing feast for everyone to enjoy.

For six euros, you received:

  • Wine (more than one glass if desired)
  • Spring rolls with sauce
  • Fried rice
  • Chicken with vegetables
  • Meatballs
  • Beef
  • Crunchy stuff (pork rinds? Don't know, but yummy nonetheless)
  • Fruit
  • Ambiance! We were outside in the piazza! People were swarming! It was the place to see and be seen.
