Saturday, May 22, 2021

Gardening day!

I can't believe how time has flown during this time. We're still in a family-driven lockdown, since Italy has been slow to receive vaccines from the manufacturers. The good news is, though, that Michael and I have signed up to get notification of appointments, so that's a step in the right direction. With any luck, we'll at least have an appointment scheduled sometime in the near future.

In the meantime, we're just contented to have lovely surroundings, good food, and enjoyable company. It's a good thing that we (mostly) like each other! 

This morning, Michael went out for the first time in months to go down to the weekly market. James accompanied him, and they chose flowers for us to enjoy in this new season, since the pansies were really looking tired.

Our home improvement activity for the weekend, therefore, was doing some planting. Here are the results:

Our upper terrace
Our upper terrace, just off the bedroom

Kitchen balcony

Kitchen balcony

Everything still looks very young and needs to fill out a bit, with the exception of the asparagus fern. That was removed from a larger pot that I wanted from the upper terrace, and it required that I really whack at the roots. Not sure it'll make it, but I wasn't emotionally attached to it other than the fact that it's one of the few plants I've kept alive for about four years now.

