Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fiore...a flower of a town

Today after dropping Ashley off at volleyball, Jeremy & I decided it was time to take a jaunt into the country.  Luckily, Bob (newly arrived, welcome!) was game to go along for the ride.

Note the deep valleys on the edges
Instead of turning left out of the parking lot, we went to the right.  At the first signpost, we turned right towards the nearest posted town ... 3 kilometers away.

After about a kilometer of bumpy, miserable, well -- what passes for road in the country around here, we came to a very informative sign:

Um...really? Go figure.

Then, around the corner, we came across this breathtaking sight:
 with a lovely tree-lined drive to it, the fortress was magnificent, with views to beat the band.

Continuing on, it just got better: a quintessential medieval fortress with crenellations as if they were going out of style!

Do you see that they're working on it?  BIG project.
Closer view
A few more twists and turns, and we came across the village church.  Sadly, it was not opened for us to see, but an irresistible sight -- laundry hanging off the church porch!

As if we hadn't had enough fun, as we continued through the village, we saw in the (short) distance:

Another fortress!

While I wasn't able to get much information for you, I found out (no surprise) that it's a medieval town on the outskirts of Todi -- thank you, Google!



1 comment:

  1. You must be feeling better. You got your sense of wonder, of discover Italy back.



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