Saturday, May 25, 2013

Crazy Weather

Today, at the end of May, it is chilly and wetItaly. Here in Todi you really want a jacket if you go out. Further north it has snowed. It should be very warm and sunny, and the Italians are very confused about where things went wrong. According to at least one climatologist one has to go back two centuries to find weather this cold this late.

At the moment we are having a cold thunderstorm. The white stuff piled in the courtyard is hail.

The pink scooter is Eleanor's.



  1. Until this past week, it's been really cold in Atlanta, too. Our swim team has been practicing at another, heated pool. Wednesday was the first day back at our pool because out water just would not warm up! Thankfully, 80's has arrived!

  2. Actually dragging out spring may not be a bad idea, as uncharacteristic as it may be. Hail is a bit much, however.


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