Monday, April 28, 2014

Eenie Meenie Minie Mo...

When we were in a restaurant in Verona, we were treated to the loveliest waiter who, while never annoying, managed to explain many things Italian and Veronese. He was absolutely charming, and it turned out that he had studied linguistics in university before starting this very successful restaurant (he now owns three restaurants, if that's any indication).

As a tease at the end of the night, he was trying to decide who would receive the bill. And he started counting out in turn, muttering under his breath. Assuming that it was the Italian version of Eenie Meenie, Minie Mo, I had to ask about it. This is the sort of thing you're NEVER taught unless in an organic way like this.

He laughed, said the words were all nonsense, but I insisted. For your reading pleasure, I give you the original and the translation:

Ambarabà ciccì coccò
Tre civette sul comò
Che facevano l'amore
Con la figlia del dottore
Il dottore si ammalò
Ambarabà ciccì coccò

In English:

(Nonsense words)
Three owls (or civets, depending on how you choose to translate) on the side table
Making love to the doctor's daughter
The doctor was sickened
(Nonsense words)

He then went on to say that Italian children are told when young that all the words are nonsense, but gradually figure out what they mean. Go figure.

Certainly makes choosing among options more interesting!



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