Monday, October 6, 2014

Grocery Stores: A Little with a Lot!

I realized today that perhaps I have mentioned going to the grocery store, without helping you understand what that means. And since it's rather different from the average American experience, I thought I would share it with you.

First step, get the bags. You're charged for any new plastic bags you get from the grocery store. As a result, we have a bajillion reusable bags.

Then, walk out of the door. Cross the piazza -- about a bus length and a half (it's a small piazza). And you see in front of you:

Inside, this tiny shop is crammed with (almost) anything you need. Antonella may not have EVERY item, but just about.

Main aisle as you walk in. Tomato products
on the right along with tuna and other
 canned foods, cookies/coffee/tea/other stuff on left.
Admire the main section, leading to the deli case. Note that the eggs are stored on the shelf behind Antonella, along with the baking supplies. The bread is stored underneath the counter; she offers about six different types.

To your left as you walk in.
Cereal on the bottom, crackers above.
This is a sliver of space to the right as you enter.
It must protrude into the neighboring building.
(And this is the cleaning supplies aisle)

Cheese, olives, salami, and prosciutto

Meat and milk. Note the LARGE pasta
selection on the shelves behind!
Shampoo, toiletries, drinks

Behind Antonella (l) are the eggs and spices

The Dairy Secion
Fruit. Veg is on the other side,
around the corner

Antonella does have a produce section, but I usually purchase my produce at the "Frutta e Verdura" shop in the main piazza. That will be something for you to look forward to on my next blog post.

Truthfully, I tend to do my daily shops here, only...meaning the longer-term items like toilet paper and cereal are purchased at the supermarket down the hill. However, I can find just about anything I want here... and Antonella always helps me remember the things I'm likely to forget (like bread).



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