Saturday, September 29, 2012

Merry Christmas!

In the States, we complain about the fact that Christmas items start appearing right after Halloween.  Here in Todi, they've taken it one step further:

This is what it looked like in the Piazza del Popolo yesterday.

It's a really small tree... a tiny pot (compare it to the car)
Today, the trees have been decorated with lights and red ribbons, along with streamers and other prettiness.  There are white globes strung at the ends of the lights that come down from the center of the Piazza.  They're also starting to run the icicle lights up the main drag.

No, they're not any crazier than usual.  It actually makes sense: apparently, a film set during Christmastime is being made over the next week.  Of course, the decorations will then stay up until Christmas -- no sense in pulling them all down.

I asked Orietta -- who is in charge of the Christmas decorations in the shop windows down her part of the street -- whether the shops also would be decorated already, and she said that THAT at least will be done a little closer to the time.

Buon Natale!



  1. Oh My! I love Christmas! I wish I was there with you. I decorate for Christmas right after Thanksgiving but the Italians are ahead of me. I did put out a few Pilgrims and pumpkins today but I'm anxious to get my Christmas boxes on stand-by. Send more pictures of the trees when they are finished with the lights.

  2. We went to Pike's yesterday - I think they are ignoring Halloween and Thanksgiving -the whole place was full of Christmas stuff! Not just amaryllis bulbs which need to be started soon, but ornaments, tinsel, Santas, you name it...I wonder how soon they will be bringing in the cut Christmas trees?
    Glad we will see you before Christmas anyway!

  3. Anna has decorated the house for Halloween and invited 48 couples for a Halloween party. She's holding nothing back, as usual. Thanks for sharing your blog. It's simply amazing to hear of the life you all are living. I must add that it seems to be a simply brilliant idea. My hat's off to you!


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